At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
Current events

Lecture by Jayne Svenungsson: "Apocalypse: The End of Law and Other Narratives"
On 11 December 2024, Jayne Svenungsson gave a lecture at the Katholische Akademie in Berlin for the Berlin Center for Intellectual Diaspora, titled “Apocalypse: The End of Law and Other Narratives.” You can view and listen to the lecture on Youtube.

Paper presentation by Natalie Bloch: "The Psychedelic Temple"
On February 15, 21.20 – 22.50 (Sweden time) Natalie Bloch will present her paper “The Psychedelic Temple – Re-imagining Ancient Jewish Temple Space through Psychedelic Aesthetics” at The Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School, on the occasion of their third annual Psychedelic Intersections conference, titled Betwixt & Between Chaplaincy, Plant Medicine, & Aesthetics. The event will be held at Harvard University and is available to join virtually. This event is free and open to the public. In-person or live streaming registration is required, which can be found – alongside other conference information and Natalie's abstract – on this page.

Marie Cronqvist: Framtidstro i en apokalyptisk tid
Marie Cronqvist will deliver a lecture in Swedish at Linköping's Cathedral as part of the The lecture is part of the Tisdagskvällar i Linköpings domkyrka series.
Apokalypsen är en flertusenårig berättelse om världens slut. I både religiösa och sekulära tappningar ekar den i vår tid av klimatkris, krig och konflikter. För många tycks det sena 1900-talets framtidsoptimism ha givit vika för undergångsstämningar. Kan kunskaper om historien ge oss verktyg att bättre hantera de katastrofberättelser vi omges av?

Workshop with CAPAS in Heidelberg
On 24–25 October 2024, representatives from At the End of the World in Lund traveled to Heidelberg for a workshop – hosted by the University of Heidelberg's Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies (CAPAS) – titled “Toward apocalyptic experience: images and narratives of the end.” In addition to stimulating intellectual exchange, we had a lovely time socially engaging. You can check out some photos from the trip by clicking here.

Short Video Lecture by Aaron James Goldman: January 6th Capitol Riot
Aaron James Goldman filmed a short video lecture about the Capitol Riot on 6 January, 2021, as part of the Religion and Dates series by Lund University's Centre for Theology and Religious Studies. You can watch the video on Youtube.

New Article by Cecilia Wassén: “Halakhah at the End of Days: A Comparison between Jesus’s Teaching and the Dead Sea Scrolls"
Read Cecilia Wassén's recent book chapter “Halakhah at the End of Days: A Comparison between Jesus’s Teaching and the Dead Sea Scrolls” from the Qumran and the New Testament here.
“Jesus took part in debates about the observance of Torah laws, in particular concerning the Sabbath laws when he was criticized for performing work on the Sabbath. Nevertheless, his teaching focused on the imminence of the kingdom of God, the repentance necessary in preparation for it, and righteous living, seemingly without much emphasis on the observance of specific, ritual laws. The key questions in this paper are: What role did the laws of the Torah play in Jesus’s teaching on the kingdom? To what extent was his teaching on halakhic issues driven by the study of the Torah?”
Image Credits
John Martin. The Great Day of His Wrath. Painting (oil on canvas), c. 1851.
Dasha Urvachova. Kid's shoe at kindergarden in Chernobyl. Photograph, 2020.
Unknown artist. The Celestial Jerusalem, detail. Tapestry from Château d'Angers, 14th century.